
Will Smith's Well Being

4 dimensions? Physical well being Mental and Emotional Spiritual well being Social well being Physical - Will Smith was physically moving his body a lot. He kept swaying side to side. Emotional/Mental - At first Will was very happy because his uncle phill gave him tickets to the clippers game but then suddenly had the guts to tell the truth. He was really emotional when he was telling his family that the pills he took were from his locker. Will started crying and Will's family was also hurt because one of there family members could of been dead.   Spiritual - Will could of destroyed Carl purpose in life, and could of took carl life away from him. If Carl died is would affect Will's Values and Beliefs.Guilt!  Social - He involved his family member in the drugs, which could of caused death to the family.Will cared a lot since what had happened, so when phill gave him the clippers tickets to the game he didn't accept it because he knew what the right t